Protect your trademark

Brands are unique identifiers and valuable key assets. When you invest in promoting your brand and develop your reputation, you need to protect your trademarks to ensure that it is you, and not your competitors, who benefit.

Broad experience in trademark protection

We have broad experience managing international portfolios, developing trademark and brand strategies, and enforcing trademark rights. Trademarks are usually words, but they can also consist of names, figures, letters, digits, holograms, or the shape of a product, etc.


We provide full-service, domestic and international, regarding:

– Trademark applications and registrations
– Licensing
– Clearance searches
– Counselling matters
– Renewals
– Appeals
– Oppositions

– Revocation or invalidation proceedings
– Infringement issues
– Disputes
– Negotiations
– Coexistence issues
– Strategy issues

All from a business perspective, based on understanding of the client’s business and legal and commercial considerations.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like our assistance on any legal matters, you are welcome to contact us:

Phone: 00 46 (0)70 378 20 03